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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A New Approach For Weight Loss - Callanetics

Forget about the painful joints and back pains. Callanetics is an exercise program designed by Callan Picknev that modifies your figure, increases muscle strength, and helps you lose weight.In just two weeks you may improve your figure, and work on your hips, thighs, feet, and back muscles. Plus, Callanetics are a good way to release the stress and tension during the day and brings a better flexibility.

An hour of Callanetics is the equivalent of twenty hours of aerobics, according to studies. This is a safe workout for all ages, often used as recovery practice for athletes, skiers, soccer players, and gymnasts.

Callanetics is also called the "gentle sport" because it borrows yoga exercises, Pilates exercises, Tai Chi, and even ballet moves.

Here is a good exercise that may help you lose the extra fat on your thighs:

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Vegan Diet

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