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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fastest Weight Loss Tips

Exercise more - this is one of the most important things you can do to lose weight. Interestingly, while your exercising you're obviously burning a lot of calories, but most people forget that even after you've finished, you're still burning more calories than you would have had you not exercised. You don't need to even go to the gym - although that is a great help. Just by doing more exercise in your everyday stuff will all add up, such as taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking to the shops instead of driving, doing a bit of gardening etc -all simple everyday things that all add up.

Another tip is to add protein to your diet. To lose weight, it helps if you stay fuller for longer - makes sense right? So what if you ate food that made you feel fuller for longer. Well protein can do this as it takes longer to digest than other foods.

Eat slower - this is a proven technique to lose weight, amazing but true. The reason is that there is a lag between when you're actually full and when your brain registers it. By eating slower you allow your brain to catch up and tell you when you're full. Additionally, eating slower helps with digestion. This is important for weight loss as well as just your general health. Eating slower breaks down your food in your mouth as well as allowing the enzymes in your saliva enough time to start the digestion going.

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