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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Healthy Eating and Weight Loss

• Feel the munchies coming on? Fill up on fruits and veggies, which are jam-packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. In addition, they are low in calories and will help you feel full longer.

• Eating small and frequent meals is much more beneficial than eating only a couple, larger ones. It will also help balance your calorie intake, so you do not have a major influx of calories at one time. Rather than the three traditional meals each day, try breaking it up into five or six smaller ones.

• Read the labels! No one likes to do it, but reading the product labels is essential to weight loss and healthy eating. Just because something is labeled as low-fat, low-sugar, or low-sodium, does not mean it is low in calories. Always, always, always read the nutrition label on the packaging before you buy. That way you can make healthy and informed decisions about the food you purchase and take home.

• Cut back on your sugar intake. One of the easiest ways to start is reducing the juice, soda, energy drinks you consume and even the cream and sugar you may put in your coffee. Replace your daily diet soda with bottled water, or use a sweetener such as Splenda in your coffee instead of sugar.

• Indulge yourself every once in awhile. Use your favorite treats as rewards for your weight loss program. If you deny yourself all of your favorite treats, you will only be setting yourself up for a relapse into your old eating habits.

• Try using a weight loss supplement, such as Akavar [http://www.dynakorpharmacal.com/], to help curb hunger and restrict calories.

• Keep a daily food journal. Doing so will help you see your eating patterns and you will be able to identify areas of improvement.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Secrets

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